Custom Transition Notification Events do not update in the Event Graph when their name is changed in the Locomotion State Machine

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 14, 2020

It seems like the name will not update for the already place node automatically, however if a new one is created, the old name no longer appears in the node list and only the event node with the cha ...

Some bones are not removed even when registered in "Bones to Remove"

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 22, 2020

 The difference between "testbone" and "testbone2" is only whether there is "joint7" Skinning itself has been properly ruled out. However, it can be confirmed by attaching a socket etc., but the bo ...

Hide Bone in constructor does not update world instances

UE - Anim - Runtime - Nov 4, 2019

Hiding bones during construction is not properly displayed by level instances placed at editor time. Note that setting 'Update animation in editor' on the mesh and re-running the constructor script ...

Blend Space Per Bone Blend does not apply blend weight correctly

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 30, 2019

The Blend Space's Per Bone Blend doesn't always apply its interpolation speed correctly to the appropriate bone or at all. ...

Animation poses can be "cached" by reroute nodes as an output in

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 16, 2019

by design, animation pose output pins can only connect to a single pose input pin. However, you can circumvent this behavior by dragging off the initial pose node output pin into an empty spot on th ...

FSkeletalMeshMerge::MergeSkeleton calls BuildSockets before RefSkeleton is assigned

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 9, 2019

Before assigning RefSkeleton, FSkeletalMeshMerge::MergeSkeleton calls BuildSockets->RebuildSocketMap->FSocketInfo->RefSkeleton.FindBoneIndex, which incorrectly sets the SocketBoneIndex. ...

If use Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton, PoseAsset of the skeleton will be broken

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 10, 2019

If user execute "Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton" on Skeleton where PoseAsset exists, the index held in FPoseData :: TrackToBufferIndex in PoseAsset will not be corrected, and it will refer to the ...

Anim notify issue with root motion replication

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 9, 2019 ...