Crosshair and hand no longer present in Blueprint Editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 20, 2017

In 4.14 and earlier version hovering the mouse over a pin would change the mouse into a crosshair shape, then if you were to press and hold the Ctrl key and drag with the mouse, it would change into ...

Renaming Function Parameters Silently Disconnects Pins if Function is in Use

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 9, 2017

Changing parameter names on a function that is in use in another blueprint breaks the pin connections without warning if the blueprint is not saved before restarting the editor. See the licensee's ...

Clicking a Blueprint Window After Entering a Variable Tooltip Discards the Changes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 8, 2017

Changes made to a blueprint variable's tooltip are discarded when clicking in the main blueprint viewport (Event Graph, Function Graphs, etc). Clicking in the variable's details panel does save the ...

Crash opening blueprint when a node class has been removed (e.g., anim blueprint with Ragdoll node with Immediate Mode plugin disabled)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 26, 2017

Crash occurs when the user attempts to open an anim blueprint containing the Ragdoll node, when Immediate Physics is disabled. ...

Clicking a dropdown menu inside of a blueprint node while zoomed out will cause the list to be cut off

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 24, 2016

When you are zoomed out when clicking a dropdown box on a blueprint node, the dropdown menu gets cut off on length and width. Length isn't that big of a deal as you can scroll but it does cut off th ...

Blueprint Editor Layout is not properly saving

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 19, 2016

There are some weird things happening with layout recently, like UE-37541 which doesn't allow the user to save their layout, then reset it to the saved layout. Interesting thing to note is that wh ...

Renaming blueprint function input is not respected until the user compiles

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 14, 2016

If the user renames a function input, and then adds the function into a graph, the function node will not use the new input name. The user will need to recompile and then add the function back into ...

Double Clicking a component that is in another blueprint in the results of Find-In-Blueprints is unresponsive

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 4, 2016

When you double click a component from another BP in the FiB results nothing happens. When the other BP that contains previously mentioned component is already open, it does open to the component. W ...

Data entry field for blueprint Array Add is uneditable until the Add is copy and pasted

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 5, 2016

Data entry field for blueprint Array Add is uneditable until the Add is copy and pasted, this also occurs if you add an array via right click Array and then link a variable to the array ...

Mouse is confined to the viewport when using a break point on an event

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 22, 2016

Mouse is confined to as area the size of the viewport when using a break point on an event. ...