Error for having an extra semicolon before a UPROPERTY declaration is not thrown inside of a USTRUCT

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 26, 2016

Having an extra semicolon on the line before declaring a UPROPERTY will cause UHT to miss parsing the following UPROPERTY. This is expected, but an error is usually given when this is the case. This ...

Project description is defaulted to 'Unreal Engine' when checking the properties after launched

Tools - Oct 26, 2016

The description of projects packaged is defaulting to Unreal Engine. This is happening in development and shipping builds on Windows. Occurring in: 4.10.4, 4.11.2, 4.12.5, 4.13.1 and 4.13.2 ...

Having Mirrored UVs Breaks Render To Texture Even When Using Different UV Channel

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 24, 2016

If the static mesh has Mirrored UVs on channel 0 it will mess up the "Unwrap UVs for Render" functionality even when using a different channel for UVs that don't have mirrored UVs. ...

ShowFlag.Rendering 0 is causing picture scintillation

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 21, 2016

When you use the console command for ShowFlag.Rendering 0 the screen multiplies. This happens on both iOS and Android devices ...

Deactivate Then Activate Ribbon Emitter Causes Flicker

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 21, 2016

When setting a particle system to be active after deactivating the remaining particles still floating in the air from earlier will flicker. This is harder to reproduce when smooth frame rate is enab ...

Disable Actor Hidden In Game Property Does Not Propagate To Child Particle System

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 21, 2016

If you check "actor hidden in game" in the details panel and then set that value to false durring runtime, any particle system component attached to that actor will remain hidden. ...

Log message in ExclusiveLoadPackageTimeTracker is written incorrectly and means the opposite

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 20, 2016

A licensee has pointed out that a log message in ExclusiveLoadPackageTimeTracker at line 191 is saying the opposite of what it means. This is the line in question:UE_LOG(LogLoad, Log, TEXT(" ... ...

Widget Component Does Not Cast Shadows From Certain Lights

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 19, 2016

The widget component acts differently under different lighting types. For example it will cast a shadow if being lit by a directional light but won't otherwise. It also seems point lights affect t ...

Use Localized Graph Editor Nodes and Pins requires an editor restart to take effect but doesn't prompt for one

Tools - Oct 19, 2016

Changing the Use Localized Graph Editor Nodes and Pins setting requires a restart to take effect but doesn't prompt you to restart the editor as other settings that require one do. Regression?: No ...

HISMC with LODs added as a Blueprint Component creates extra Material Elements

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 18, 2016

Adding a HISM as a component within blueprints and referencing a Static Mesh with LODs, creates extra/additional and material elements. ...