Changing the Texture Quality Settings to Low or Medium Changes Topography of Landscape

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 15, 2015

When changing the Texture Quality settings through the Engine Scalability settings within the main viewport, the topography/height map of the landscape changes. The user mentions he originally impo ...

BaseAsyncTask gives output errors and BP node disappears in editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 9, 2015

Licencee reports K2Node_BaseAsyncTask breaks and blueprint node diappears. Editor reports error "Can't find file for asset" in Output Log. Unable to reproduce internally ...

Launcher Crashes after updating from 4.5.1 to 4.6.1

Tools - Mar 9, 2015

Launcher Crashes after updating from 4.5.1 to 4.6.1. When opening Launcher user receives the following error message: MachineId:5594134C496ADEDBDA8928BF9C26FCA5 EpicAccountId:7d0bd770cd564683863553 ...

Player Character does not collide with landscape

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 8, 2015

UPDATE: 3/9/2015 Additional Information: User on thread reported workaround did not fix e ...

Lighting Incorrect in Orthographic Camera View

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 8, 2015

Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2471062 Point Lights in Orthographic Camera View will render a light streak on Default Lit Sprites. [Link Removed][Link Removed] ...

Performing a Hot Reload after changing a UPROPERTY from BlueprintReadWrite to BlueprintReadOnly results in the variable not being shown in context sensitive search results in the Event Graph.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2015

Changing a UPROPERTY value from BlueprintReadWrite to BlueprintReadOnly, or vice versa, and performing a Hot Reload results in the variables not being found in the Blueprint's Event Graph context se ...

Docking tabs to the main viewport will hide other viewports that are not docked

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 3, 2015

If any tabs are undocked from the main viewport and another tab is then docked to the main viewport it will hide any undocked tabs. This only appears to affect tabs that in the Menu > Window with ex ...

Cannot click buttons in the upper left corner when using PIE

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 27, 2015

The click for mouse control button overlaps the upper left corner making it hard to click buttons in the upper left corner when using PIE. The button to give mouse control take priority. ...

Changing Effects Quality with Console Command Resets Audio Playback of Packaged Game

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 26, 2015

When packaging a product for Windows (64) with an 'Event Begin Play' node executing a UI sound to play, and changing the Effects Quality within the console, restarts the audio playback for that soun ...

Opening the engine crashes: Assert failed: GConfig->GetInt

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 26, 2015

Assertion failed: GConfig->GetInt(TEXT("TextureStreaming"), TEXT("MinTextureResidentMipCount"), MinTextureResidentMipCount, GEngineIni) [Link Removed] [Line: 346] CrashReport: [Link Removed] This ...