In-editor hitch when deleting one actor in a world with many loaded actors

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 17, 2023

When editing a level with many actors (1000+), deleting an actor results in a noticeable hitch: the editor becomes unresponsive for seconds. This hitch becomes longer the more actors are loaded and ...

Renaming a Blueprint interface asset doesn't update the ImplementedInterfaces list in the Blueprint editor's Class Settings tab

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 13, 2023

There is no UI refresh for the Implemented Interfaces list in the Blueprint editor UI after a Blueprint Interface asset is renamed in the Content Drawer. Consequently, the interface cannot be remove ...

Haptic Feedback doesn't work on DualSense devices (and never has)

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 7, 2023

The haptic feedback stuff is meant for VR devices, and has never worked with DualSense or any other console (afaik) that isn't a VR device. We technically could support this, but it would just be ...

Overriding a struct member field's default value on a BP-added component in a BP asset will no longer allow the user to edit that struct member on instances of that BP's component if the member is deprecated.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 19, 2023

Properties that are deprecated are (incorrectly) not currently being propagated to instances by the duplication logic that we use to instance BP-added components as part of Actor-based BP constructi ...

The Blueprint compiler is not consistent with UHT when generating DefaultToInstanced variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Sep 7, 2023

UnrealHeaderTool and the Blueprint compiler generate inconsistent metadata for object reference variables whose underlying class type includes 'DefaultToInstanced' metadata. UnrealHeaderTool-genera ...

Blueprint debugger: variable getter node displays wrong object's value

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Jul 28, 2023

After triggering a breakpoint in blueprint, variable getter nodes can display the value of a different object than the node's target. For example: if an actor class has a value MyBool and the bluepr ...

BP property initialization fast path does not handle non-instanced properties assigned to default subobjects correctly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 27, 2023

Non-instanced object ref properties are incorrectly being skipped at property initialization time when Blueprint class instances are spawned with the fast property initialization path enabled. This ...

NiagaraComponent attached to the character won't stay active when travelling to a new level using seamless travel

UE - Niagara - Jul 27, 2023

The pawn character is added to APlayerController::GetSeamlessTravelActorList, so it'll be persisted during server travel. The Niagara component is spawned during BeginPlay and activated manually. W ...

In the Anim Sequence Editor set a Notify's MontageTickType to be fixed to BranchingPoint if that Notify is a Native Branching Point

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jun 30, 2023

To avoid confusing users when working with a Native Branching Point Notify set its MontageTickType to be fixed to BranchingPoint.  ...