User reported game thread and async loading thread accessing a UGameplayEffect property at the same time:Game thread having loaded a GameplayEffectA and in its PostLoad() updating the property Inher ...
[Link Removed] The UseBorderlessWindow setting appears to not be implemented on Mac. We currently only apply the NWWindowStyleMaskBorderless style for tooltips and other "irregular" windows, so w ...
UDN link: [Link Removed] ...
When the player is controlling a Character actor, using the CharacterMovementComponent (CMC), unexpected movement corrections will occur while standing still on a movement base that is rotating. ...
Licensees have reported that they want to specify the Size in the same unit as cube on level. Looking at the engine, it seems that the Decal Size is currently set as the half size of the Box. [Imag ...
Renaming assets set to Sequencer's Payload will resolve the reference after restarting the editor. This is probably due to the fact that FemaleSceneEventPayloadVariable::Value is a String type. This ...
Saving a package in the editor while there is a queued text mesh build will cause a fatal error because the build will execute during the save, and creating objects while saving is not allowed. This ...
When the default value of an Instanced variable defined in C++ is changed, it is not reflected in the default value of an Actor placed on a Level. In the reproduction procedure, when the default v ...