Matinee movie recording is broken in 4.10

Tools - Dec 18, 2015

When trying to record a movie from a matinee in 4.10, it can fail for a number of reasons: 1. The folder does not exist 2. The cinematic view modes do not take effect 3. Trying to record a streamin ...

Crash when using "Set Key Time" on an animation key in UMG

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 25, 2015

If the user right clicks a key in the animation timeline in UMG and uses "Set key time" the editor will crash. [Link Removed] ...

A REINST error occurs in widgets reference one another

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 23, 2015

If the user has two widgets (widgetA and WidgetB) and they use widgetB inside of WidgetA via the user created section and then they alter widgetB the reference to WidgetB will show a REINST Error. ...