GPU Crash in Niagara Fluids template when WorldSpaceSize has a component at 0

UE - Niagara - Apr 26, 2024

The NiagaraFluids plugin provides several Niagara System templates to use as a starting point for the user's own Systems. The templates in category "3D Gas", such as "Grid 3D Gas Explosion", include ...

Lumen artifacts on splitscreen during camera cuts

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Apr 18, 2024

A UDN licensee has pointed out that they are seeing unresolved Lumen reflection artifacts when they are running their game in split-screen mode. A video of this behavior is found in the Related tab ...

Shadow doesn't update for a moving nanite mesh (fixed in 5.4)

UE - Graphics Features - Shadows - Mar 25, 2024

When a nanite mesh moves, the shadow does not. ...

InstancedStruct hard references fail to cook in World Partition map

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Mar 12, 2024

Hard references through InstancedStruct do not cluster the actors together into the same cell. ...

RenderTrace fatal error, shader expected a uniform buffer at slot 1...

UE - Rendering Architecture - Mar 4, 2024

RenderTrace plugin does not appear to have been updated for a change that moved the GPUScene out of the View buffer to its own uniform buffer. (CL 24027890) The test project is based on FirstPerson ...

Recent change to Material Expression code missing a case for "exp2" function in switch (cpp)

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Mar 4, 2024

The function "FMaterialDerivativeAutogen::GetFunc1ReturnType(...)" does not have a case for "EFunc1::Exp2". Also found in Release-5.4, CL: 331987674 ...

Foliage 'BlockAll' instanced static meshes do not affect NavMesh

UE - AI - Navigation - Feb 27, 2024

When placing static mesh foliage and setting the foliage mesh's Collision Preset to Block All,  the placed meshes do not consistently block parts of the nav mesh. Expected: Placed meshes (for examp ...

Can't inherit from ALight without a linker error

UE - Gameplay - Feb 22, 2024

This is a regression from 5.3. It should be possible to inherit from ALight outside of the engine module without any sort of errors. Case: [Link Removed] ...

Launching iOS build from Xcode fails after initial install

UE - Platform - Apple - Feb 21, 2024

Xcode has an issue with repeated launches onto an iOS device.  After the initial install, Xcode is unable to install any other builds of that same app due to some sort of codesigning issue.  A work ...

UDN - Crash reverting SkeletalMesh unsaved changes

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Asset Build - Feb 19, 2024