
Issue also occurs in 4.25 therefore not a regression.

Original issue was submitted by a user

'Fill Data Table from csv string' node does work though

The following is a snippet of the error output

Expected column '0' not found in input.

Row '1' has more cells than properties, is there a malformed string?
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download the attached "DamageData.json" file
  2. Create a Struct_Damage file as shown in the attached image
  3. Create a data table file "DT_Damage"  based on Struct_Damage
  4. Create a editor utility widget 
  5. Go to graph, after event construct, connect 'Fill Data Table from JSON string' node
  6. Choose DT_Damage as the data table
  7. Copy and paste the json string from DamageData.json to JSONString field
  8. Right click the utility widget and run it

Results: Errors prompted

Expected: data table updates properly based on json literal

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Affects Versions4.254.26
Target Fix5.0-m4
Fix Commit14800596
Main Commit14800596
CreatedNov 24, 2020
ResolvedNov 30, 2020
UpdatedApr 27, 2022
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