
Adding a second effect to the Submix Effect Chain on a Submix works as expected, but when trying to add a Submix Effect via Blueprint, there is no effect. 
This also applies to "Add Master Submix Effect"

Steps to Reproduce

1) Create a new template or default level
2) In the Content Browser, create a Sound Submix (Sounds > Mix   > Sound Submix)
3) In the Content Brower, create two Submix Effects (Sounds > Effect > Submix Effect Preset)
4) Select SubmixEffectReverbPreset
5) Open the effect and set the Gain to 1.0
6) Create a second Submix Effect
7) Select *SubmixEffectDelayPrese*t. Leave the defaults as is.
8) Open the Sound Submix you created and add your reverb effect to the S*ubmix Effect Chain*
9) Under Submix Level set Dry Level to 0.5
10) Locate a Sound Wave or import one into your project
11) Open the Sound Wave
12) Open it's Sound Class
13) Unde*r Submix*, assign the Sound Submix you created
14) Check off Send to Master Submix and set Default2DSendAmount to 1.0
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15) Drag the Sound Wave into your level
16) Play the level in Editor, you should hear the reverb on the sound
17) Open the Level Blueprint (Blueprints > Open Level Blueprint)
18) Create an Event BeginPlay node and an Add Submix Effect node. Link them together
19) Set the Sound Submix to the submix you created and the Submix Effect Preset to the delay effect you created
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20) Compile the Blueprint
21) Play in Editor

Expected Result:
 The delay effect is added to the end of the submix effect chain, so the reverb sound is routed to the delay causing a delayed reverb effect

Actual Result:
 The delay effect isn't applied at all

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-104414 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Audio
Affects Versions4.264.275.0-early access
Target Fix4.27
Fix Commit16394088
Main Commit16394111
Release Commit16394088
CreatedDec 11, 2020
ResolvedMay 19, 2021
UpdatedDec 1, 2022