
Non Instanced Subobject sets to none after compiling the blueprint. Please see attached video for more details.

Checking regression in 4.26 now

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open QAGame in UnrealEditor
  2. Open the blueprint QABP_SubobjectTester_Defaults
  3. Set Non Instanced Subobject to QABP_SceneComp
  4. Compile the blueprint

Results: Non Instanced Subobject sets to none

Expected: Non Instanced Subobject remains set to QABP_SceneComp

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Components
Affects Versions5.0
CreatedApr 2, 2021
ResolvedDec 6, 2023
UpdatedApr 17, 2024
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