
Deleting unsaved Submix assets causes them to reappear the next time you create a new asset.

Issue does not occur in 4.26, but does occur in 4.27 and 5.0.

Steps to Reproduce

1) Open any project
2) In the Content Browser, go to Sounds > Mix and select any of the Submix asset types (Sound Submix, Soundfield Submix, Endpoint Submix, etc.)
3) Delete the asset you created
4) Repeat step 2

Expected Result:
 The asset you deleted stays deleted

Actual Result:
 The deleted asset reappears

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-115704 in the post.

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Audio - Submixes
Affects Versions4.275.0-early access5.0
Target Fix5.0
CreatedMay 13, 2021
ResolvedJan 11, 2022
UpdatedJan 12, 2022
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