
Regression was checked on UE5-Release-EarlyAccess CL 16682836, Regression - No.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open ShooterGame in UnrealEditor.
  2. Select Edit > Editor Preferences > Play > Multiplayer Options
  3. Set the following Multiplayer Options
    • Play Net Mode = Play as Listen Server
    • Run Under One Process = Unchecked
    • Under Client, Play Number Of Clients = 1
    • Under Server, Server Port = 17777
  4. Play in Standalone Game
  5. Ensure that seamless travel is enabled using the console command "DisplayAll GameMode bUseSeamlessTravel"
  6. Enter "DemoRec Shooter?RecordMapChanges" into the console
  7. Play the game for 1 minute
  8. Enter "ServerTravel Sanctuary" into the console
  9. Play the game for 1 minute
  10. Enter "DemoStop" into the console
  11. Either use the Demos option in the main menu to playback the replay, or use the "DemoPlay Shooter" command

This can also be reproduced outside of ShooterGame, such as in a third person template project, using the same commands (demorec, ServerTravel, demostop, and demoplay).

Actual result: Replay plays back events that occurred only before ServerTravel command.  After this command camera stays on the current map. Player stay motionless during this time.

Expected result: The replay should play back the events that occurred after the ServerTravel command too.

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ComponentUE - Networking
Affects Versions5.0
CreatedSep 16, 2021
UpdatedDec 9, 2022
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