
Set Niagara Variable (Object) does not work for texture objects.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Niagara system based on the fountain emitter
  2. Add a texture object user parameter
  3. Create a new material, add a texture object parameter
  4. Sample the texture and set base color with it
  5. Set the emitter's material to the newly created one
  6. Add a material parameter binding to the renderer
  7. Link the user parameter and the texture material parameter
  8. Set the texture user parameter, and notice the material update with the correct texture\
  9. Add the system to a level
  10. In the level blueprint call Set Niagara Variable (Object) and set the texture to a different texture (this can be called from begin play or a button press)
  11. PIE, and press the input if needed


The texture does not update. Note if you change the user parameter in the actor's details the texture will update. Additionally if you have a texture sample that is linked to a texture object parameter it will behave the same

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Niagara
Affects Versions4.275.0
CreatedJan 28, 2022
ResolvedJul 19, 2023
UpdatedJul 19, 2023
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