
Tested in 4.27.2 binary which produced 32 bit depth pngs in both the editor and PIE.

Using the HighResShot command to get a png while playing in editor results in a 24 bit depth screenshot where previously it was 32 bit.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open any Project
  2. Play in Editor
  3. Press ` then enter the command(Replace E with whatever drive you have): HighResShot filename=E:/32Bit_png.png 640x480
  4. Browse to the screenshot then right-click and open Properties
  5. Navigate to the Details tab

Expected Results:
Bit Depth should be 32, and roughly 400 KB in Size

Actual Results:
Bit Depth is 24 bits, and less than 25 KB in Size

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ComponentRAD - Oodle
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.0
Fix Commit19224315
Main Commit19230270
Release Commit19224315
CreatedMar 1, 2022
ResolvedMar 2, 2022
UpdatedJan 25, 2023
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