Steps to Reproduce

There is an sample project in UDN(case ID 00427653)(sorry too big to upload) 

1. Open the project and observe the spheres in the scene.

2. Change to mobile android preview(not necessary android vulkan), the spheres are black

It seems there is a bug in calculating the sublevel's BrickLayoutPosition, it is const FIntVector BrickLayoutPosition = ComputeBrickLayoutPosition(BrickIndex, BrickDataDimensions); on CPU, but the BrickDataDimensions is not used on GPU and it's 256 in all dimensions(uint3 NewBrickPos = ComputeBrickLayoutPosition(StartPosInNewVolume + BrickID.x, uint3(256, 256, 256));), after changing it to const FIntVector BrickLayoutPosition = ComputeBrickLayoutPosition(BrickIndex, FIntVector(256, 256, 256)); it works as fine.

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.5
CreatedApr 28, 2022
UpdatedFeb 16, 2024
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