- Create a new Third Person template with Starter Content project
- Change to Foliage Mode(Shift+3) > Single
- Search the Content Browser for SM_ChamferCube then drag and drop it in the Foliage section and save the FoliageType
- Select the new Foliage then set the Collision Presets to Block All Dynamic
- Place a group of the Foliage in the level
- Change to Select Mode(Shift+1)
- With the Foliage selected in the scene Open the Level Blueprint
- Create an 'Event Begin Play' node
- Create a reference to the selected Foliage in the scene
- Off the Reference get a 'Get Component By Class' node
- Set the Component Class to 'Foliage Instanced Static Mesh Component'
- Off the Return Value create a 'Bind Event to On Instance Take Radial Damage' node and connect the execution pins
- From the Event Delegate pin of the 'Bind Event' node create a 'Custom Event' node
- Off the Execution pin of the Custom Event create a 'Print String' node
- Compile, Save, and Close the Level Blueprint
- Open the BP_ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint
- Create a 'Keyboard Q' node
- Off of it create a 'Apply Radial Damage' node
- Set Base Damage to something greater than 0
- Create a 'Get Actor Location' node then connect it to the Origin
- Set Damage Radius to 1,000.0
- Create a 'Self' node then connect it to the Damage Causer
- Set Do Full Damage to True
- Damage Prevention Channel to Visibility
- Compile, Save, and Close the blueprint
- Play in Editor
- Approach the Foliage group
- Press Q
Expected Results:
The Custom Event Bound to Take Radial Damage will fire.
Actual Results:
The Event doesn't fire. Binding Point Damage or Any Damage events results in the Event firing.