Steps to Reproduce
  1. QAGame
  2. Create a NewWidgetBlueprint
  3. Add a Canvas and then a AEO Cat Item
  4. Create a new animation and add a reference to the AEO Cat Item
  5. Save and open up reference viewer, notice that there's a reference to AEO Cat Item
  6. Add AEO Lev Item to the widget and right click in Sequencer to replace the Cat Item with the Lev Item
  7. Remove the AEO Cat Item from the Widget (ie. Hierarchy Tab)
  8. Save and refresh reference viewer

RESULT: There's a reference to the Cat Item and the Lev Item.

EXPECTED: Just one reference to Lev Item

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Target Fix5.1
Fix Commit21406089
Main Commit21406089
CreatedJul 21, 2022
ResolvedAug 16, 2022
UpdatedAug 23, 2022
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