Essentially, when set to "Overlay Fill Screen," the Bink Media Player will render the last viewed frame over all game levels in PIE, without actually playing the video or being given any sort of play command.
(Note: the following were steps from a UDN, but I can easily reproduce the issue on my end, as well)
Make sure to have a bk2 file and a corresponding Bink Media Player asset ready before using the steps below to reproduce the issue.
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-160340 in the post.
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Component | RAD - Bink Video |
Affects Versions | 5.0.2 |
Target Fix | 5.1 |
Created | Aug 4, 2022 |
Resolved | Aug 15, 2022 |
Updated | Aug 17, 2022 |