
I set up a test project with different combinations of Nanite/Non Nanite, Movable/Static, and instance and component types, and the only case that seems to not smear at all are the non-nanite Movable components. I've also got a nanite and non-nanite static mesh components oscillating back and forth on tick as well, as a control. Issue occurs in editor viewport and PIE.

This issue resolves itself if I ignore-switch to Velocity Write during Base Pass.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a blueprint with a static mesh component, a InstancedStaticMeshComponent, and a HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent
  2. Set each of those components to use the same Nanite mesh
  3. Add one instance to the instanced components
  4. Create a new default lit, opaque material with some amount of noise going into the basecolor input (it's harder to see the issue if it's flat black)
  5. In the material, add some amount of oscillating WPO motion
  6. Apply that material to each of your components as an override
  7. Observe the characteristic TSR smearing
  8. ignore-Switch the components to Movable
  9. The TSR smearing should persist

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.1
Fix Commit22579630
Main Commit22581659
Release Commit22579630
CreatedSep 20, 2022
ResolvedOct 17, 2022
UpdatedJun 30, 2023
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