
When trying to load the actor, the warning "Can't load actor guid from package" will show.


In FWorldPartitionActorDesc::Load, it's unable to find the object:

		Package = LoadPackage(Package, *ActorPackage.ToString(), LOAD_None, nullptr, InstancingContext);

		if (Package)
			ActorPtr = FindObject<AActor>(nullptr, *ActorPath.ToString());
			if (!ActorPtr.IsValid())
				UE_LOG(LogWorldPartition, Warning, TEXT("Can't load actor guid `%s` ('%s') from package '%s'"), *Guid.ToString(), *GetActorName().ToString(), *ActorPackage.ToString());
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a BP asset with Actor parent class.
  2. Create a WP map and add the BP to the scene.
  3. Save.
  4. Open a new level.
  5. Rename the BP asset.
  6. Open the WP map back up.
  7. Try to load the BP actor.

Unexpected Result: BP actor fails to load.

If you leave the WP level without restarting the editor session and do another rename of the BP asset then you will find the actor gone when opening the WP map again.

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Fix Commit22268633
Main Commit22271832
Release Commit22268633
CreatedSep 28, 2022
ResolvedSep 30, 2022
UpdatedNov 2, 2022
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