Function call inputs do not revert to their Default Values if a variable node is connected and then disconnected. Refreshing the call node does not reset the inputs to their defaults.
Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary, 4.8.3 binary, and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2635815)
1. Open any project
2. Create a new Actor Blueprint
3. Create a new function
4. Give the function a Float input
5. Set the Default Value of the Input to 20.0
6. Call the function in the Event Graph
7. Create a new Float variable with default value of 10.0
8. Connect the variable to the function call's input
9. Compile/Save
10. Disconnect the variable from the function call
The function call's input field reverts to 0.0 rather than the Default Value
The function call's input field reverts to the Default Value of 20.0
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1 |
Fix Commit | 3413792 |
Main Commit | 3431398 |
Created | Aug 3, 2015 |
Resolved | Apr 28, 2017 |
Updated | May 9, 2017 |