
UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction passes itself as the source object when making the Interaction Ability Spec in UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction::QueryInteractables. This causes the "Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: ... NOT Supported" warning because the task is not replicated. 

Steps to Reproduce
  • In Lyra, open the level "L_InventoryTestMap"
  • PIE as a client
  • Approach the gray interactable boxes on the map
  • Note the warning "LogNetPackageMap: Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: AbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction /Engine/Transient.AbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction_0 NOT Supported."

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System
Affects Versions5.3
Target Fix5.4
CreatedSep 25, 2023
ResolvedDec 21, 2023
UpdatedJan 11, 2024
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