Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new VR Template
  2. Create a new level (Ctrl + N) using the "Basic" template.
  3. Set the "Floor" to Static and make sure Cast Shadows is ON.
  4. Add a Cube, set to Static, and make sure Cast Shadows in ON, and that the Cube is positioned to cast a shadow on the Floor.
  5. Set the Directional Light to Moveable, make sure Cast Shadows is ON.
  6. Set the Skylight to Static
  7. Build -> Build Lighting Only
  8. Switch to Android Vulkan in Settings -> Preview Rendering Level (if not there, ensure "Support Vulkan" is enabled in Project Settings).
  9. Ensure Mobile Multi-View is enabled in Project Settings.

Expected Behavior:

Cascaded Shadow Map displays correctly.

Actual Behavior:

Cascaded Shadow Map displays incorrectly. In the attached picture, you can see how the cube has no shadow, and the large shadowed area changes based on the camera distance.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-196962 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Platform - Mobile
Affects Versions5.45.3
Target Fix5.4
CreatedOct 2, 2023
ResolvedOct 2, 2023
UpdatedOct 3, 2023
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