
Using the down arrow key in the Toolbar's Blueprints > Open Blueprint Class sub-menu will immediately open the first Blueprint listed.

Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.10 Preview 1 binary, and Main (CL 2728941)

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open a new blank project
2. Create 2 new Actor Blueprints
3. From the Toolbar, click Blueprints
4. Mouse over the Open Blueprint Class option
5. When the sub-menu opens, press the down arrow key

Regardless of how many Blueprints there are listed, the first one will be selected and opened. Note: in 4.10 and 4.11, the down key must be pressed twice to reproduce.

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.
CreatedOct 15, 2015
ResolvedFeb 14, 2018
UpdatedJul 14, 2021
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