
When importing a full scene using the Full Scene Importer and having it create a Blueprint actor that will set it's default mobility to static. Even unchecking the Import as Dynamic option will not set the mobility to static in the BP actor.

Tested in:
4.12.3 CL-3013449
4.13 Dev-Editor CL-3018237

Steps to Reproduce

1. Go to File > Import into Level
2. Choose an FBX to import (Test one attached if needed)
3. Make sure Hierarchy Type is set to Create One Bluprint Actor
4. Uncheck Import as Dynamic

Regression: No

Results: With or without the Import as Dynamic option the components in the BP will always be set to Movable.

Expected: When unchecking Import as Dynamic the Blueprint should use Static mobility for the components and BP actor.

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Cannot Reproduce
Fix Commit3029459
Main Commit3050870
CreatedJun 22, 2016
ResolvedMay 3, 2022
UpdatedMay 4, 2022
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