
4.17 does not allow for camera import.
If multiple cameras are imported into sequencer, all cameras Current Focal Length change to match the newest imported camera.

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Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download attached folder containing camera FBX files
  2. Create a new blank project
  3. Create a new Level Sequence
  4. Open Level Sequence
  5. Go to General Options < Import
  6. Import a camera from the folder that was downloaded(Step 1)
  7. For Import settings leave Force Front XAxis unchecked and Create Cameras Checked
  8. Import
  9. Note the Current Focal Length
  10. Repeat the import process with a second camera
  11. Note the Current Focal Length of both cameras has changed to match the newly imported camera
  12. Repeat the import process with a third camera
  13. Note that all cameras Current Focal Length has changed to match the Current Focal Length of the newest camera

Expected: Each imported camera keeps its own Current Focal Length and is not changed to match any imported camera
Results: Current Focal Length changes to match an imported camera so all imported cameras match whichever camera was imported last

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions4.18.14.19
Target Fix4.19
Fix Commit3789419
Main Commit3800998
Release Commit3813083
CreatedDec 4, 2017
ResolvedDec 5, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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