
When deleting an asset any other asset that holds a soft reference to the deleted item will appear in the reference list. For a soft reference when choosing to replace the references with another asset you are not prompted to save the asset.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a C++ class with a soft reference and a hard reference to some asset (created a class inheriting from UDataAsset).
  2. In the editor, create four dummy assets of the type your references point to (I'll refer to them as "TestSoftAssetOriginal", "TestSoftAssetReplacement", "TestHardAssetOriginal", and "TestHardAssetReplacement".
  3. Create a blueprint inheriting from your TestRefClass - I'll call this "TestRefObject".
  4. In the TestRefObject blueprint, set the soft reference variable to the TestSoftAssetOriginal, and the hard reference to TestHardAssetOriginal. 
  5. Save everything and restart the editor.
  6. Once the editor re-opens, open up TestRefObject then close it again so it is in memory.
  7. Delete TestHardAssetOriginal and in the delete dialogue select TestHardAssetReplacement as the asset to replace it with then click "Replace references". 
  8. After it finishes notice that both the redirector for the deleted asset and TestRefObject are both in the save prompt. 
  9. Restart the editor again then open up TestRefObject then close it again so it is in memory.
  10. Delete TestSoftAssetOriginal and in the delete dialogue select TestSoftAssetReplacement as the asset to replace it with then click "Replace references".
  11. After it finishes notice that only the redirector for the deleted asset is in the save prompt. 
  12. Re-create TestHardAssetOriginal (fix up redirectors first) and set TestRefObject's hard reference to it. 
  13. Restart the editor.
  14. Delete TestHardAssetOriginal and in the delete dialogue select TestHardAssetReplacement as the asset to replace it with then click "Replace references".
  15. After it finishes notice that only the redirector for the deleted asset is in the save prompt.

Have Comments or More Details?

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By Design
ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.20
CreatedDec 21, 2017
ResolvedFeb 26, 2018
UpdatedJun 23, 2018
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