
It seems like the animation fbx exporter is broken. The mesh is exported just fine and can be imported in any application without issue. As soon as the animation is exported the mesh becomes broken when it is imported.

This has been reproduced in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788), 4.20 (CL-4212847), and Main 4.21 (CL-4221482)

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the UE4 Editor
  2. Create a new project with the Third Person template
  3. Open the ThirdPersonWalk animation
  4. Export Asset -> Animation Data
  5. Export skeletal mesh with animation (yes)
  6. Export with default settings
  7. Import the generated FBX file with the following settings: Skeletal Mesh, Import Mesh, Import Animations, and Convert Scene are checked. Skeleton set to None
  8. Click Import All
  9. Open the Animation

Results: The shoulder and right hand are dislocated

Expected: The Skeleton/Mesh/Animation should be identical to the original one provided by the template

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Cannot Reproduce
CreatedJul 20, 2018
ResolvedMay 12, 2022
UpdatedMay 12, 2022
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