The licensee has been using a custom CVAR to launch directly into PIE for a world partition level. Since updating to 5.4, this now causes an editor crash. The main factor appears to be whether or no ...
[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=2 r.TemporalAA.Upsampling=False r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.ExtendDefaultLuminanceRange=True r.LightPropagationVolume=0 r.ReflectionCaptureRe ...
Using the "end" key on foliage selected with collision preset to "BlockAll" and the mesh collision complexity set to "Use simple Collision as Complex", the foliage will not move. This is wrong becau ...
Hi, I’ve written a plugin to enable loading of OpenFlight models into UE5 and have some snags that I could do with help to resolve.Plugin/Texture Interference: Created the plugin using a UFactory d ...
More details in this thread: [Link Removed] ...
In Game Input, the buttons for different thumbstick and trigger digital events (i.e. RightStickUp, LeftStickUp, LeftStickRight, etc) can actually fire multiple times in a single frame, even though w ...
AActor::WasRecentlyRendered() and UPrimitiveComponent::GetLastRenderTimeOnScreen() both still trigger when a skeletal mesh (occluded behind a wall) re-enters the player's view frustum after being ou ...
When there is a physical material mask asset that has been created and applied to a mesh in the level without having a texture source imported yet, and then "ShowFlag.PhysicalMaterialMasks" is enabl ...
When multiple render commands are enqueued before the graph task runs for a prior enqueued command, the new commands will be put into the Queue for the task to run and no context is captured. When t ...
A crash can occur when a member of a UStruct has a category with the "|" symbol and is trying to be displayed inside by the FDetailLayoutBuilderImpl class. This happens when there is a UStruct memb ...