When the input to a Layered Blend Per Bone node is two instances of the same cached pose, we aren't sampling root motion correctly. In the attached example, the weight on the root bone is 0 and Ble ...
A material with 'enable stencil test' will crash on mobile. Enable Stencil Test is a new option in materials as of 4.23 Confirmed with OpenGL 3.1 + 2 and Vulkan on Pixel XL Also Crashes on iOS ...
From Licensee: When we have Instanced Stereo enabled, all our materials that use Scene expression nodes (SceneDepth, SceneColor, etc...), render incorrectly in the right eye. It only happens to the ...
In UCookOnTheFlyServer::BeginPackageCacheForCookedPlatformData(), there is a pointer to int32 called CurrentAsyncCache that is used as an index. It's value is dereferenced before it is checked, but ...
There is no Callstack associated with this crash. And I was unable to reproduce this in main due to a known issue when switching the 'Stream Mode' to 'From Memory'. When packaging a project in 4.6. ...
A user adds 3 .h files though Visual studio where the first contains a struct, the 2nd includes the 1st, the 3rd includes the 2nd and tries to make a variable of the struct declared in the 1st. The ...
When setting up a scene with a persistent level and any sublevel that contains a landscape that is loaded via load stream level node in the level BP can cause the ILC to not be correctly assigned fo ...
Error Message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 785] Array index out of bounds: 1 from an array of size 0 Source Context: 567 } 568 } 569 ...
Shaders fail to compile with a series of cube map errors (subset below): LogShaderCompilers: Warning: 17 Shader compiler errors compiling global shaders for platform SF_METAL_MRT: LogShaderComp ...
CriticalErrors in FWindowsErrorOutputDevice::Serialize (and other platforms) run some code after the error is detected rather than immediately terminating the process. Some of this other code is spe ...