Ideally we would render the LUT once then cache the result as we typically keep the render targets around either way. Investigate the work required for this or reasons why it's not a possible approa ...
If the "Pick Parent Class" window loses focus, the select button will not be available for the previously selected option ...
When using the Make Material Attributes and landscape layer blends, if an Emissive input is being utilized on any one layer, the other layers must also utilize the emissive input in order for it to ...
A user is reporting incorrect/inconsistent reflections when using Reflection Captures with the Forward Renderer. I attempted to enable High Quality Reflections within the material's properties whic ...
Indirect Lighting Cache is causing the Indirect Lighting for Skeletal Meshes to flicker. I have attempted both ILCQ Volume and Point cache qualities, and it seems Point produces the most exaggerate ...
The option 'Affects Translucent Lighting' for lights does not seem to have an affect objects/materials using translucency. I tested this setting in the Deferred Renderer and it works as expected. I ...
Make/Break settings in structs always returning true with booleans. ...
Crash when creating a Niagara Emitter Another CrashReport: [Link Removed] Not sure if regression because the process to enable Niagara in 4.15 seems to be different than in 4.16, and I'm not sure ...
Crash occurs while progressing through the Landscape Overview tutorial, after the step "After pressing the Create Button, your level should now have a Landscape Actor inside of it" This is a regres ...
A splash screen that has been set up in the DefaultEngine.ini with the following settings does not show in Gear VR[Oculus.Splash.Settings] bAutoEnabled=True TexturePath=/Game/Texture/AICON-Green ...