Adding instanced static meshes in a random order by location gives 25% of normal frame rate, compared to adding them in order by X,Y,Z location. ...
Nav Link Components are not respecting transform changes inside of the blueprint's viewport. They will always originate from the Actor's origin point. ...
A customer has had problems running a game with a splash screen when passing -game flag to the editor. UpdateSpashScreen will call GetCurrentFrame, which can return a nullptr but fails to verify it ...
Originally reported through UDN ...
Clicking on a Behavior Tree decorator that references an Enum blackboard key will crash the editor if that Enum has been altered in the method described in the repro steps. If you set decorators to ...
Find node returning -1 in packaged game even when the item exists in the array ...
LODs appear differently in each eye in VR when on the edge of a distance where the LODs would change. It appears that the Distance that is used to determine what level of detail an object should be ...
I believe I had the "force all skinned meshes to recompute tangents (also forces Compute SkinCache)" turned on for a verification at one point, and left it on. I have experienced some ensures and ot ...
I turned off BP Compiler Manager and the package was able to complete. According to the log, BPInterface_Button is the asset that is failing the package This is a regression from before BP Compil ...
Was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 117] No o ...