When attempting to move a folder 1 that contains a level/map to another folder 2, a duplicate of the folder 1 containing the level will be generated in folder 2 while the level and original containi ...
Crash occurs when the user attempts to retarget an animation blueprint that is using a RigidBody node. ...
The new component will be automatically attached to the old component, instead of being attached to the old component's parent. This issue can be frustrating as it can have an impact on the transfo ...
If a blueprint has a variable of type Object with the Config Variable checkbox set to true, and "Blueprint Nativization Method" is set to Inclusive, the project will fail to package ...
Removing a variable from a blueprint that a data asset is based on will prevent that data asset from being opened. ...
FDisplayMetrics are calculated using the primary display resolution. This makes testing of safezone worst cases in anything but full screen impossible. ...
Baked shadows don't seem to work properly when Absolute World Position is involved with masked materials. The masked material won't render a shadow at all in this case. ...
TimeRemaining doesn't work when animation has a negative play rate ...
Crash occurs in sequencer when the user attempts to convert a possessed object to a spawnable. ...
Preserve Non-Uniform Scale doesn't work for child actors when they are scaled smaller than the parent. Licensee Description: I just noticed that the option does not seem to work if the object is p ...