Editor will crash when a skeletal mesh has been added to a level and then reopening the project later if you try and access this level. If you attempt to open the skel meshes in the content browser ...
Physics isn't disabled on Destructible when Simulate Physics is set to Disabled. The Destructible seems to only be set to sleep and will wake if the player or any other physics object touches the de ...
An ensure is being triggered when you set simulate physics on a child actor on the server and then force net update. Found in 4.14.2 CL# 3241561. Reproduced in 4.16 Main CL#3247538 ...
Per https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/329261/stopallsounds-fails-check-with-level-streaming.html The audio threading work missed a case where an audio thread only function was being called fro ...
Cannot select keys and audio tracks at the same time ...
Project fails to package for Android if a blueprint has a variable that sets itself on construct. ...
Using a game mode that contains a custom game state rather than the default seems to be disabling tick for other blueprints such as characters and actors. Whenever the project is using a custom gam ...
Root Motion is broken in Additive Animations. Also causes scale issues Regression: YES Worked: 3039270 (4.12.5) Broken: 3172292 (4.13.2) ...
Capsule Collision component has incorrect physics collision when rotated. This only seems to happen when the Capsule Collision is a child of another component that is simulating physics. If the pare ...
If the user sets up Suspend Clothing Simulation in the Construction Script of a blueprint, it will not work when playing. It will work if setup in the Event Graph on Begin Play. ...