The laser for the motion controllers is currently not being hidden when a Menu/UI panel is docked to the controller. This is a Regression from 4.14 and prior, as shown by the attached screenshots. ...
Crash occurs when the user select an AI-controlled pawn while simulating in viewport. This seems to only occur if the pawn is moving or getting directions from the controller (example, if you selec ...
When selecting different editing tools such as Foliage and then Switching back to the Place tool the next time you PIE will break the orientation of the camera. Here is a link of the User provided ...
The bool Replace parameter variable is necessary when calling the function, but is not used inside the function itself. This makes the variable seem useless / unnecessary in the parameter list. ...
When deleting a generated proxy mesh from the HLOD Outliner using the Delete Button while the generated proxy mesh is opened in the static mesh editor will cause the editor to crash. Workaround: U ...
When a static mesh that is placed in the scene begins to transition using dithered LOD, The LOD that is being transitioned away from will "POP" in at full opacity for a moment just before the dither ...
This was the simplest solid repro I could get on this bug. The callstack is similar to [Link Removed] Also came across several Shader Compiling Manager crashes while attempting to repro this crash ...
When in Simulate mode, selecting an actor that is set to simulate physics will cause other actors with Mobility set to "Movable" to no longer move during Simulate mode. ...
This crash occurs when you create a landscape, then create and save a material. Note The crash does not occur unless a landscape was created first I came across a couple of crashes revolving around ...
When a particle system component is created in code, the particle system component will appear at world origin rather than parent actor origin if AttachToComponent / SetupAttachment / etc. is not ex ...