Using the Landscape Grasstype will generate log spam for the number of Landscape components being used or if using World Composition will generate a log warning for each tile used. The warning ind ...
GLSL_430 shaders are not cooked when deploying a project from Windows to Linux using Launch On. LogPlayLevel: PLINK: [31m[2016.11.16-18.36.22:414][ 0]LogMaterial:Error: The global shader cache fi ...
This is a regression that was introduced with changes made to address issues with native vs. non-native component registration at Blueprint construction time ([Link Removed]). Prior to those change ...
Actor Scale is not included when converting from Matinee to Sequencer ...
When enough variables are added to a structure to cause the list to be too long for the window, a scroll bar should appear and you should be able to scroll through them. This does not occur. Regres ...
When importing an FBX with a unit scale that is different from UE4's unit scale it will import correctly by unchecking Convert Scene Unit and leaving Convert Scene checked. If you reimport the mesh ...
A small seam is created when merging an actor with overlapping UVS ...
When merging an object with multiple colours to other actors a small portion of the colours are lost. Note this only occurs when merging to multiple actors and only seems to happen for the diffuse. ...
If using any hmd mirroring mode besides 0 on Oculus, when the headset is removed, the mirroring window goes black in a packaged build, or in -game, for example: UE4Editor.exe VrTemplate4x15 MotionCo ...
From the UDN: "In USceneComponent::PropagateTransformUpdate, even when Transform has not changed, Bounds are updated and MarkRenderTransformDirty is called. I think that judging whether Bounds have ...