If the user selects the "Create New Camera" button in a sequence, then uses undo, the editor crashes. This issue does not occur in //UE4/Main @ 3046959 ...
In the new non-experimental version of the Merge Actors tool there is no option to disable "Export Specific LOD". In 4.11 when this was disabled it would merge the actors with their respective LODs ...
"Play Rate" below 1 and "Force Fixed Frame Interval Playback" causes choppy renders. This was explained by Max on Answerhub to the user, but this seemed like something that should be bugged and loo ...
Auto-Key All and Auto-Key Animated don't work as expected. Might consider having a third option that Auto-Keys only the modified property. ...
When using "Set Playback Position" after "Pause", actor transforms are broken. Sending them off to an unexpected position. Adding a delay seems to resolve the issue, but seems like it should still ...
Child widgets that are marked as Is Focusable = True appear to sometimes be ignored if they are placed within parents who are set to Is Focusable = False. ...
A user has reported the SSR quality on Macs has no visible difference between 60.0 to 100.0. I was able to confirm this is the case and also found this to be true on PC as well. I noticed that the ...
After creating an asset in the Content Browser and selecting it, the user will not be able to use Ctrl+W to duplicate it. They will have to deselect and select the asset again for the shortcut to w ...
The release execution for the tab key fires even though the tab key is still held down. This makes it so that the Release will sometimes fire twice (once while held down and another when the key is ...