Adding an event dispatcher to one of the pre-created character blueprints in the template projects causes an increase in compile times. This does not occur with a blank actor or character blueprint ...
When an element of a data asset is copied into another field, the two fields become "linked" and further edits to one field begin to affect the other. ...
Multiplayer Shootout is broken in 4.12. Appears to be caused by the AimOffset animations being imported at the incorrect scale. Regression: Yes, does not occur if you create a 4.11 version of the ...
Sequence Recorder doesn't record First Person Template character correctly. I wasn't able to track down exactly what it is about the First Person Character Blueprint that causes this though. ...
While working with several different Blueprints classes, their Content Browser Thumbnails will become corrupted and render the contents of other assets. (See Attached Image) The Bullet Asset is act ...
Is Hovered does not appear to update when holding down the mouse button and releasing outside of the widget ...
Planar Reflections on mobile work well with single plane assets but not with anything with multiple sides, like a box. Tested in: 4.12.4 CL-3028348 4.13 Dev-Editor CL-3038075 ...
Running an EQS for something such as finding a random point on a grid will not generate results on multiple floors. See the attached screenshot for an example. Was unable to reproduce in 4.11.2 d ...
When changing the name of a module or creating a new module, updating the _API of a class to the new module will cause blueprints based on this class to lose reference ...