User has a project that the viewport has gotten corrupted. The icons are now no longer camera facing and are facing in the positive y axis. The sun disc and sky are blurred. When PIE everything rend ...
This is caused by FLightmassMaterialProxy doesn't have GetStaticParameterSet() function. (FMaterial::GetStaticParameterSet() is called.) It can be fixed by adding the following function to FLightma ...
When you place a Mesh with a Translucent Material using Separate Translucency in the view of a Scene Capture 2D using Gaussian DoF, the resultant capture will ignore the Separate Translucency Settin ...
The Spawn Actor from Class node's dropdown menu gets cut off when zoomed out. Reproduced in 4.7.2 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2473270) ...
When applying a Material to a Static Mesh in the SM Editor, an event for the undo function is never created and when you undo you are undoing the last action outside of the SM Editor. Also reproduc ...
Cannot hide most Blueprint categories from the Class Settings of a bp. x = Cannot hide Actor - Hid-able Add Component - x Add Event - x AI - x Animation - Hid-able Audio - Hid-able Canvas Render T ...
Translucent materials are no longer showing light reflections in scene when using r.forwardlighting 1 with lights. This is a regression from functionality in 4.11.2. This no longer works with 4.12 ...
Velocities are not being cleared when physics simulation set to false. ...
When forward shading is enabled, particles that have materials with their lighting mode set to "VolumetricNonDirectional" will recieve shadows. Attached images provided by user. Found in 4.19 CL# ...