When changing some properties in a Blueprint, the changes are not reflected in placed instances of the Blueprint. I've included repro steps from the licensee who reported this. I verified these step ...
When adding a bsp Geometry object into the world the edges flicker. The effect can sometimes be seen better if you change the tessellation of an object that has it. Observed on border edges of a sel ...
The Icon size for the iPhone plus in project settings appears to be looking for the wrong size. This causes the icon size to be incorrect in a default project. ...
A user reported an issue where folders are never actually deleted when they are deleted via the Content Browser. They return when reopening the editor and never disappear from the File Explorer. ...
UDN user reported issue. We test the anim start time instead of the segment start time when looking up segments. This means that if the user changes the anim start time from the default of 0 it brea ...
Play button stays highlighted after PIE has ended until the user moves mouse over the Play button again. Regression (Yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.10.4. ...
When a property added to an ActorComponent class uses the specifier EditInstanceOnly, the property is editable inside a blueprint with the component rather than only showing up when selecting an ins ...
Replacing a StaticMesh actor with a C++ class that extends AStaticMesh changes the selected static mesh asset. But making a blueprint of that static mesh and replacing using that instead doesn't ch ...
Running into an intermittent crash in MetalRHI when locking to a camera cut in a level sequence. Very similar to [Link Removed] which is an NVIDIA GPU. ...
With skeltons that don't have a root or have a root that is not at the origin, sequencer recorder will snap it to the origin in it's recorded animations. [Image Removed] ...