Changing the mobility of a light component within a child component that of a parent blueprint and then entering PIE without compiling crashes the editor. Frequency: 3/3 Crashreporter: N/A Regres ...
When setting the 'r.SeparateTranslucencyScreenPercentage' variable to any value other than 100, UV world space textures begin to swim. In the example project attached, I created a simple translucent ...
If client takes a long time to send a move to the server, the server erroneously ticks it for a large time without updating the client's timestamp, causing the server to move the client further than ...
The mouse cursor is not being locked to the viewport during PIE in versions 4.11 and up. This is inconsistent with the behavior that was seen in 4.10 because the mouse was locked to the viewport du ...
A user reported an issue where, if a BlueprintCallable function's parameters are edited, a blueprint using a BlueprintCallable function will give warnings instead of an error for a problem after the ...
If a static mesh component has Simulate Physics enabled, GetRelativeTransform() returns the value of world transform. ...
Materials are rendering now in the preview pane with artifacts caused by the change in the reflection skybox. This can clearly be seen in 4.12 and later by enabling the reflections view in the previ ...
The editor crashes when moving a child actor component in the blueprint viewport. This has not been reproduced in a clean project, and only seems to be occurring in the user project where they have ...
The attached project is now crashing after being upgraded from 4.10.4 to 4.11.2. This crash also occurs when attempting to open a copy of the project in 4.12 Preview 1. After further investigation ...
When attempting to create or use a translucent material the skylight reflection does not render. Regression: Yes Working:2946394 (binary) Broken:2963582 ...