Getting a crash when smoothing out landscape that has foliage painted on it. Seems to happen when I release the mouse. ...
After some extensive testing, I could not find any reason why the material function LocalPosition node was failing to compile and defaulting to the world grid material when Packaging for HTML5. I a ...
SpringArm causes physics to fail for a character standing on the physics object User Description: I am updating my marketplace content for 4.11 using preview 7 build (EDIT: RECHECKED WITH PREVIEW ...
The warning ""variable name" に "BluePrint" という名前の変数はありません" in the output log within the AnimBP while the editor is in the Japanese language mode has an incorrect word order. "Blueprint"Blueprint sho ...
Japanese language word order mistake in Transition nodes for AnimBP It reads "AからB", but should read "BからA" ...
This should be an optional string to be translated. ...
BP Construction Script doesn't print the correct Relative Location of a child component User Description: Construction script ignores components changed in the map This bug prevents quite a lot o ...
Adding the following code to a plugin source file prevents the associated project from compiling in visual studio whereas this code will compile successfully inside of a class added directly to the ...