Customizations that use FDetailPropertyRow::CustomWidget and set the visibility attribute do not honor it. A Customization set up like the below, for instance, will not honor the Visibility in red d ...
From a community member: Are you responsible also for the FootPlacement node? Its fantastic, but there is a possible bug with the walkable surface handling. It tries to step even on vertical surfac ...
A GameplayAbility that destroys its owning actor inside ActivateAbility() causes a crash, because actor destruction will modify the ability list but ActivateAbility() is called within an ABILITYLIST ...
The async execution from within the context menu state is not cancelled properly when closing the context menu. This means that when rapidly opening and closing context menus there will be corruptio ...
Some of the state in the View Changes menu is cached and never updated. This menu should respond to external actor label renames in the Outliner and files being moved on disk. ...
Since 5.3, BlackmagicMediaSource causes a memory leak. This didn't happen on 5.2. You can see the leak on PIE. [Image Removed] [Image Removed] If "Just-In-Time Rendering" option in the MediaB ...
When the Sample Rate of the Audio Mixer or device is not 48kHz, the Ladder Filter output is not correct on PIE. It is Silent at 20000Hz, and other frequencies also sound wrong. ...
When the Sample Rate of the Audio Mixer or device is not 48kHz, the Biquad Filter output is not correct on PIE. It is Silent at 20000Hz, and other frequencies also sound wrong. See [Link Removed] ...