Custom events with a struct that has had its pin split will throw an error when adding variables to the blueprint. The Struct appears to throw an error when making changes that are seemingly unrelat ...
This crash occurs in 4.19 and 4.20 but not 4.18. Repro'd in 4.19.0-3944462 and 4.20.0-3955769 and 3964322. This is a regression. Per UDN licensee: When I'm showing/hiding levels in editor (in le ...
If the static mesh has UseSimpleCollisionAsComplex and does not have any SimpleCollision shapes, The physics actor will be destroyed immediately in FInitBodiesHelperBase::CreateShapesAndActors, but ...
Teleport node sets the movement mode for a pawn back to default. The current movement is overridden by the default after using teleport node ...
In any newly opened project the 'Keyboard Shortcuts' within the 'Editor Preferences' for the 'Blueprint Editor' do not appear until you have opened a blueprint within the project. After closing and ...
Incorrect conversions values received and using FUnitConversion::Conversion ...
The new config object is created with the same serialization name as the legacy one "ClothConfigNV", causing the legacy data to be reset prior to migration. Replacing In UClothingAssetCommon::AddCl ...
Using the Nativize Blueprint Assets option can cause the extents of a collision component defined in code and inherited by blueprints to use its default values in a packaged build instead of the ext ...