UPDATE: 12/23/2015 This appears to be occurring on packaged projects for Win64 as well. ====================================================================== When attempting to launch a level t ...
Licensee is reporting that when a font is scaled in a UMG, the smaller the font gets the more the Kerning between certain letters decreases to the point of overlap. This is not as obvious in a View ...
Adjusting the X Size of a Decal is causing the normals to distort [Image Removed] Reproduced in 4.11-Releases-CL-2804793 Reproduced in DevRendering-CL-2806984 ...
When attempting to package a 4.10 project, if VS2015 is not installed an error window prompts the user to install VS2013. Image of error message shown in AH URL. This has not been reproduced inter ...
The tooltip for Static/Movable/Stationary lighting in the details pane of the main viewport show odd symbols before additional information points. See attached image. ...
If you name an Event something like "Event Foo", overriding the event in a ChildBP gives you "Event Event Foo" To avoid this, please make Custom Event names Start with "Event" ...
If you have a BP with a function that has no return value, then override that function in a ChildBP, it becomes an event and cannot be used like a normal function ...
The editor only has access to the "EFIGSCJK" data, rather than the "All" data. ...
Physics assets within a blueprint react improperly when placed in a sublevel. This error can clearly be seen within a user's youtube video located here: [Link Removed] Note: The fan asset attac ...