When using the Default Scene Root component in a blueprint with no additional components, the box extent of the Get Actor Bounds node is returning 128,128,128 instead of the expected 0,0,0. If you ...
When setting "draw at desired size" for a widget component to true, the "Draw size" will no longer respond to input. ...
The Ease Node when set to use the Function Ease In, Ease Out or Ease InOut the Blend Exp will reset to 2.0 on each editor reload. It will even break variable inputs to return to 2.0. Reproduced in ...
This bug removes foliage from a level when the Component Blueprint is compiled. Switching the Foliage type asset to another component will cause the issue to stop occurring. The Component Blueprint ...
This also occurs in 4.14.3 This does not occur on Windows. Could not get this issue to reproduce while recording the screen with quicktime player, but if you experience it in person it really feel ...
Set tracking origin has a 90 degree offset between Floor and Eye level. When switching the Setting for the Set Tracking Origin Node from Floor level to Eye level, there appears to be a 90 degree dif ...
If a user has an actor that is simulating physics during simulation of play in the editor and they then change the value of a variable trough the details panel below the world outliner then the acto ...
When the player at index 0 sets its user focus it will cause other players to lose input. This does not occur when setting the user focus of players with an index higher than 0. ...
When a code project's engine association is switched to a local binary version of a source engine, the project will fail to open from within Visual Studio. Error message says that UE4Editor-Project ...