If the user spawns the character on the edge of a nav mesh after selecting a destination for the character, the character will then ignore any information given by the Nav mesh and it will then head ...
Using the wiki documentation to setup a Dynamic Delegate in code gives compile errors that the DelegateName doesn't exist. Adding the open/close braces ("[" and "]") give a different compile error ...
NOTE: This is likely a known issue, but I could not find an existing bug for tracking Auto Align Floor to Mesh causes floor to align well below the mesh. Causes the mesh to float I've tried with ...
Light Complexity view mode is quite different from document. https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/UI/LevelEditor/Viewports/ViewModes/index.html#lightcomplexity ...
Random Pitch Angle does not properly apply when called within a procedural foliage volume. ...
After creating a custom struct in C++ and adding a variable of that struct type to a Blueprint, hot reloading a code change that involves altering a function that takes the struct as a parameter res ...
Removing Aimoffset node from anim blueprint crashes editor Frequency: 2/2 crashreporter: N/A ...
Editor crashes when adding or adjusting functions within character blueprint. Frequency: 5/5 Crashreporter: N/A Note: Does not reproduce on a new character blueprint, this seems limited to a cha ...
The Tile Map grid is consistently visible when playing and viewed through Orthographic camera. The user reporting the issue noted some observations which I can also confirm are occurring in both en ...
Destroying a Character's CapsuleComponent while Use RVOAvoidance is enabled in the CharacterMovement component will crash the editor. Crash Report: [Link Removed] ...