Crash Typing Special Characters using US-International-PC keyboard in MacOS:10.10.4

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 17, 2015

Typing Special Characters using US-International-PC keyboard in MacOS:10.10.4 causes the editor to crash. ...

interaction with 3D widgets are not possible when moving the pivot point

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 17, 2015

If the user moves the pivot point for the 3D widget component the widget can no longer interact with. ...

Interrupting SetViewTargetWithBlend causes camera to snap to one actor

UE - Gameplay - Aug 17, 2015

If you interrupt a SetViewTargetWithBlend with another SetViewTargetWithBlend, it snaps to the second ViewTarget instead of blending back. ...

Destructible meshes fracture as a whole rather than responding to locational damage

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Aug 17, 2015

When causing an impact on a destructible mesh the entire mesh will fracture, instead of only breaking around the impact point. Test project attached in UDN post ...

Assets in disabled Emitter will cooked and loaded in Game.

UE - Niagara - Aug 17, 2015

Assets referred from disabled Emitter will cooked and loaded in Game. And licensee wants to make ParticleSystem with some emitters and sometimes they want to keep emitters but disabled. But disabled ...

Behavior tree's blackboard editor doesn't have Play button

UE - AI - Aug 17, 2015

It's showing up when you start Play using main window, but disappears after finishing play session - should be consistent with main BehaviorTree editor window. ...

Blueprint 'Select' node: nodes connect to all input pins are evaluated while only one input is needed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 15, 2015

Originally marked Won't Fix in 2017. Issue reopened on May 1, 2024. All inputs of a Select blueprint node are evaluated, even though in the end only one value is selected. This is wasteful work. ...

ESplineMeshAxis Enum is not available as a variable or struct

Tools - Aug 14, 2015

ESplineMeshAxis Enum is not available as a variable or struct User Description: I have a struct that is responsible for holding many of the properties of my spline meshes. I want it to hold the ES ...

Instanced meshes do not accurately use volume light samples when lit in a statically lit scene

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 14, 2015

When using instanced meshes in a Blueprint or in foliage tool the indirect lighting cache will not correctly light these meshes. I've include a sample project with map to demonstrate what the lice ...

Infinite Script Recursion error crashes editor and produces UnrealScript errors in logs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 14, 2015

Macro that causes an infinite script recursion error crashes editor and produces errors in output log referring to UnrealScript. Frequency: 3/3 Crash Reporter; [Link Removed] ...