Setting "Keep State" for an animation in sequencer makes the sequence behave differently in Sequencer and in Play Mode. The animations appear to be blending together instead of having normal transit ...
The URL parser encodes the input path to a URL-encoded path even if it is local, so if the path contains unicode characters (such as Japanese Kanji ), the media file cannot be read. Following worka ...
Depth of Field, with "r.DOF.Recombine.Quality = 0" will adjust the size of the depth in focus based on screen percentage. This might be related to over-fitting from the tile classification, because ...
If a foliage object is already placed in level at a location, it will delete any static mesh that is placed in the same location. ...
Changing the names of inputs in a collapsed graph can change connected inputs in other collapsed nodes. Reproduced in 4.7.2 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2478413) ...
Macro functions with exec pins disconnected within the macro do not show logic flowing to macro during PIE ...
When deploying a Third Person Template project to a Mobile device, there will be no dynamic shadows in the level coming from the character. Shadows are shown in 4.6.1 but not in the changelist provi ...
Adding an Actor Component that is set to Replicate to an Actor that is also set to Replicate disconnects the Client from the Server. Note: this does not occur if the Actor Component is already added ...
The following warning occurs when building a project for Android in the Test configuration. LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: [119/283] clang++ Module.Core.4_of_8.cpp [armv7-es2] LogPlayLevel: Unreal ...
The Z value of a trace hit will vary based on the Z value of the start/end points of the trace. The larger the start/end Z range, the larger the variance of Hit.Z values. ...